Lucas Tirigall-Caste

Lucas TC is a true renaissance artist in the broadest sense of the word; he is an artist who over the years has known how to intertwine his talents as a musician, designer, and developer in a coherent form and with his own style. This uncommon perspective allows him to belong to the artistic elite who comfortably merge a wide range of artistic expressions.

Lucas easily moves between different creative disciplines, such as designing interactive advertising for clients like Nike, Sony, Nokia, and Nestlé, as well as artistic productions for Disney, Dreamworks, Paramount, and 20th Century Fox.

“In order for a creative piece to be successful, it is fundamental the design is treated as art. On top of excluding the corporate message, the piece has to be a creative work of art on its own,” states Lucas. “The main challenge of all projects is found in the implementation and execution. This is particularly evident when working with brands and corporations where every step is tied to multiple conditions.”

Lucas began his artistic career in 1994 as an audiovisual designer and creative editor of some of the most important and award-winning shows on Argentine television. His work won international fame at the end of the 90s when various songs of his first album, under the pseudonym Lucas TC, climbed the international charts. He became not only the most listened to Argentine artist around the world but also one of the most downloaded artists worldwide with his debut album totaling more than 2,500.000 downloads.

“With the Internet I found the ideal instrument to express myself freely, a mechanism that collectively evolves and that allows me to combine my passion for interactive expression with design.”

Through the use of dynamic technologies and computer driven strategies of expression, Lucas now establishes a new artistic dimension to the unruffled creative field. His work shows the relevance of understanding and mastering new tools and technologies in the modern world.

“A fundamental exercise during the creative process is to determine if the creative piece will continue being valid in artistic terms within ten years. In this way, we can distinguish between artistic and technological value.”

Through his pioneering work on the algorithmic evolution of art, Lucas demonstrates the hidden beauty behind pseudo-random algorithms of classic physics. He further explains how it is possible to translate those fortuitous results into a programmatic evolutionary environment.

“I think that in any artistic work the creative process is as important as the result itself. Using new algorithmic approaches and computational representations, I try to find the convergence point between creation and evolution.”

In a world overloaded with predictable formulas, Lucas offers up an innovative morsel by combining new media and technology to bring forth his ideas.